How does tnAchieves Build a more
prepared Tennessee workforce?
Supports Matter.
tnAchieves students are 236% more likely to graduate from college than their peers.
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Students first, Always.
“Graduating from college not only fulfilled the American dream for my parents but also set the stage for my pursuit of a master’s degree in the coming years. Additionally, it positions me as a role model for first-generation students, showcasing the possibilities that education offers for upward advancement and success.”
Math Teacher | Motlow State Community College & Middle Tennessee State University
“I am now working as registered nurse in a hospital! Graduating from college allowed me achieve my goals and gave me access to my dream career.”
Registered Nurse | Austin Peay State University
“After graduation, I was able to land my dream job and achieve financial independence at the age of 19! Encouraged by my instructor, I won both 1st and 2nd place in Skills USA Welding competitions. The life I live today would have been just a dream had I not enrolled at TCAT. I am proudly working at UA Union 102 as a traveling welder.”